Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our first BIG SNOW!

I use to absolutely hated snow once I started to drive in it at age 16.
But as a kid I loved it and have some wonderful memories of my brothers and I playing in it.
Like the times that Seth would push my head in it and I would get it caked in my teeth, or every time I would sled ride down the hill they would pelt me in the face w/ snowballs.
Oh the memories.....
Well, now it is the girl's turn to create those fond memories. They were so excited when the snow just kept comin' down and actually stayed on the ground. So here are pix of their very first

It is so great that they can pull their sleds themselves!

Hailey is the cautious one and Sissy is more of the daredevil.

Of course I had to take a ride!

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