Monday, December 15, 2008


I was showing the girls the differences in the needles of the pine trees.
The thought it was cool how some can be very prickly and others are soft.

Sissy started walking from one side of the tree farm to other and just kept saying," over here mom, over here"!
I had no idea what she was after but I knew she was on a mission.

She walked right up to a tree she spotted from far away and said, "this one mommy!"

It was the perfect tree!
Sissy has a great eye and knew exactly which one she wanted.
Hailey agreed it was a good looking tree!
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Bill said...

I just love this picture sequence!What a neat story. Although I just live next door I enjoy seeing these "behind the scenes" shots and enjoy watching my grandaughters grow and develop! You and the other two musketeers are doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Ubee and I need to do the same thing. We still don't have a tree. Time is running out!
Love AC