Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Prepping the house!

Of course before painting a house there is alot, and I mean alot, of prep work. This is a project that we actually began over a wk. ago and has lasted until today (tomm. comes the painting). First you need to remove all shelves and brackets off of the walls, as well as switch plates and outlet covers. Then there was alot of washing to be done to the walls. Which the girls helped w/ quite a bit. Then we vaccumed all of the cobwebs from every wall, ceiling, and corner in the house. Lastly, mom did the spackling and sanding of all of the holes. Believe me there were alot. Yes this house needs alot of TLC but mom and I have huge plans for it and cannot wait to see the finished product. I wanted to include you all in on this process and I am open to any suggestions or comments that you have!
Let the Journey begin!

Hailey working the screw driver!

Hailey in her bedrm. Ok, the nasty brown closet doors have to go!

Let's get this party started!

Sissy keeping busy w/ the play-doh!
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Bill said...

Great post Megan! I thinks we are as excited as you are to have you moving in next door. It's kind of ......AMISH! You and your Mom are wonderful HDTV planners and executers. You will have the house a home in no time.

Anonymous said...

wow! it looks like you have been working like crazy. congrats on the new home.

melissa d

Anonymous said...

No time to comment, I'm working on the house:). Mom

cindy said...

I am so happy for you and the girls, you all are amazing and can't wait to see you!!!! Love you all!!