Friday, January 29, 2010

Hailey's Q and U wedding!

What is a Q and U wedding you ask? Well at Licking Valley, in kindergarten, you learn about the letters Q and U and how they are always joined with one another. Well, LV takes it a step further and has an actual ceremony for this called the Q and U wedding. Yes it seems kind of silly and maybe even rediculous but the kids had so much fun and got to dress up for 1 day out of the year.
It was so fun to be able to spend this time with Hailey during school. I really cherish these times and am sooo proud of her!!!!

The Processional! lol

I thought this was so sweet. Hailey is talking to her teacher, Mrs. Gerlach.

Mr. Carmen (Principal) explaining the purpose of this "union"!
Too funny.
Natalie and I just couldn't stop laughing at this point.

Each kid had a 'Q' and 'U' paper. They had to recite something for each letter.
It doesn't get any funnier than this!
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Anonymous said...

What a cute idea! She'll never forget this. Mom

Kim said...

Megan - I was having a bad day at work and took a minute to check out the pics. They made me smile and helped my day. Give teh girls a big hug from Uncle Dave and Aunt Kim
